Online symposium High-tech industry and sustainability goals
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Online symposium High-tech industry and sustainability goals
14:00 - 17:00 Online Drachten
The high-tech industry is also working on managingof sustainability goals, also known as Sustainable Ddevelopment Goals (SDG). Are there opportunities for your company? And if so, how do you go about doing that? This online symposium High-tech industry and sustainability goals provides answers.
Innovatiecluster Drachten is working on Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Partnerships to achieve the Goal.

Concrete steps
This online symposium zooms in on Sustainable Development Goals in the High-tech industry. But certainly also in other sectors, including the government. With examples from practice, five inspiring speakers show how this can work for your company. Moreover, you can immediately expand your network during the interactive part. The result is taking the first concrete steps together. But the most important thing is that after this online symposium High-tech industry and sustainability goals you have a good idea of what SDGs can mean for your company.
2 p.m. – Introduction
2.20 pm – Getting started with Sustainable Development Goals. How can SDGs be applied within the high-tech industry?
3.45 pm – Together we move forward. How can collaborations offer added value within high-tech companies?
4.40 pm – Closing.
Joost Krebbekx, program manager of Innovatiecluster Drachten. He takes you into the world of Sustainable Development Goals and the value for the high-tech industry.
Joanna Root, Lean & Sustainability manager at Philips† She talks about the role of Sustainable Development Goals within a multinational.
Jantie van der Laan, sustainability program manager at the municipality of Smallingerland. She explains how Sustainable Development Goals are achieved within governments.
Jacqueline Hofstede, director of Ynova. She dives into the collaborations for the future and shows some concrete initiatives.
Helentje Swart, program leader at Circular Friesland. She talks about the possibilities of collaboration with education.
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