Technique Tangible Drachten
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Technique Tangible Drachten
17:00 - 21:00 Drachten Drachten
Our companies will again participate in Techniek Tactbaar in Drachten in 2021. There, parents and children can get acquainted with technology. So if you are in group 7 or 8 of primary school or in secondary education, you are most welcome.
Through your school you will receive an invitation to come to Techniek Tastbaar in your region. Admission is of course free! About 25 to 30 technical companies show which techniques they work with. In addition, they also tell you what kind of jobs they have. At all stands there is a hands-on activity to be able to work with technology. Let's see what you can do!
after movie
To get an impression you can click on the Technique Tactile YouTube channel or facebook view the aftermovies of previous events.