Technology Tangible Heerenveen
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Technology Tangible Heerenveen
12:00 - 20:00 Kei College Rev. Kingweg 8, 8446 KZ Heerenveen
Dear ICD companies,
Techniek Tastbaar Heerenveen is being organized for the fourth time in a row and we cordially invite you to participate! The event is a great opportunity to inspire young people and introduce them to the fascinating world of technology. Whether it concerns building with wood, programming an Ozobot, discovering technological innovations through VR, or discovering the latest solutions in the medical world, there is something for everyone.
Who can come?
The event is especially intended for young people between the ages of 10 and 16. We believe that technology is in everyone and with Techniek Tactbaar we want to discover and develop that potential. So let the young people in your area know about this event!
What can you expect?
Young people can become acquainted with the 7 different worlds of technology. From practical workshops to immersive VR experiences – there is plenty of opportunity for interaction and discovery. And if you want a taste of what things were like last year, be sure to check out the after movies.
As a member of the Innovation Cluster, we would like to see you involved in this initiative. Whether you participate as an exhibitor, sponsor or simply to network, your presence makes the difference.
So, ICD companies, let's work together to inspire the next generation of tech talent! Register and be part of this great event. Together we make technology tangible for everyone.
See you in Heerenveen!