Webinar about the latest Industry 4.0 trends
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Webinar about the latest Industry 4.0 trends
15:00 - 17:00 Online Drachten
Companies are taking Smart Industry, also known as Industry 4.0, more and more seriously. They don't just talk about it anymore, they develop and use more and more concrete solutions. Follow this webinar on the latest trends in Industry 4.0.

Webinar on the latest trends in Industry 4.0
Secure, flexible and intuitive. That is the production of the future. As a result, companies can provide tailor-made production, even down to a single copy. They achieve this with digital solutions in every sector. For example, because connectivity extends to how we produce, consume and work. This has implications for existing business models, as established market structures change and the global market shifts as a result.
Industry 4.0
Especially for Innovatiecluster Drachten gives Fraunhofer IPT a webinar on the latest trends in Industry 4.0. Here's how these trends can become part of business strategy to make production safer, more flexible and more intuitive. Get updated about safe production in Industry 4.0 and real-time adaptation of production processes. But also about production without rigid plans and state-of-the-art technologies for the factory of the future. For example, read more about this in 'Trends in Industry 4.0'.
3 p.m. – Dial in
15.05 – Welcome word
3.10 pm – Presentation by Fraunhover IPT
4:00 PM – Interaction
4.45 pm – Completion.
This Knowledge Circle is offered by Variass† Participation is free for employees of Innovatiecluster Drachten. Not an ICD employee, but interested? Then send a message to Hendri Kortman.