A good balance between having knowledge of the subject but also being able to work together
News | March 8, 2021
Virtual ICD Safari for University of Groningen students – 25 February and 5 March 2021
More than 140 students from the University of Groningen who are studying physics and astronomy took part in the high-tech Safari on Thursday 25 February. On Friday 5 March, the 135 students of mathematics were given a chance. A big turnout at both online Safaris.

When it comes to technology development, a mathematical, read beta approach often prevails at every step of designing, manufacturing and maintaining high-tech systems. While product and product innovation is often influenced by another kind of innovation, which is social innovation.
But what is social innovation? And what are those written and unwritten rules in the field of innovation?
These topics were discussed during the Technology and Ethics themes of our ICD companies, where the question for the topic 'Defense and security' said; 'What is it like to work for a defense company?'
For the second theme 'Robotics' was the question; 'Is the robot the enemy of the working force?'
With the theme 'Corporation and Open Innovation', which is a hype these days, the question is asked how open you are to share certain information with each other.
Bee 'Intellectual propertyYou may wonder if it's right to release a patent? Isn't it too much of an investment to give free information? For example, look at the current situation given the vaccines.
And on the subjectSustainability' We explored the ethical and professional dilemmas that companies face with regard to sustainability. The contribution to a sustainable future is very important for the high-tech companies within the ICD. Practical examples provided a good presentation of such issues.
Enthusiastic responses were given in the chat by the students; '5 stars', 'extremely informative', 'great, very interesting'.
A nice compliment for all participating companies from Innovatiecluster Drachten, including; Photonis, Variass, Zius, FMI, BD, YP-Your partner, Philips, Astron, Perkin Elmer, resato and Quadient.
The students had to think for themselves beforehand about which important skills are needed for the business world. In response, they indicated that teamwork and being multidisciplinary is expected to be the greatest skill you should have, in addition to having good physical knowledge about certain things. In addition, social skills were also indicated to be important.
Joost Krebbekx, program manager of ICD gave as explanation and additional criteria that most companies need a team model. Which consists of in-depth expertise that matches the competence needed to develop or manufacture and maintain new products. Together with broad social skills, because working at ICD means working together. It is also a learning period in which you develop yourself in social skills but also learn new competences that may be needed for strategic reasons.
None of the jobs are done by one person, it is always the combination, collaboration between departments. So the team model is what most companies are looking for.
So the students were right, a good balance between having knowledge of the subject but also being able to work together.