Visitors see high tech from the best side
News | 22 May 2017
No fewer than 1,300 visitors took a look at the 'high-tech kitchen' of the Northern Netherlands that day. A nice end to the national Dutch Technology Week 2017.
The start at BD on the A7 industrial estate in Drachten was immediately crowded. From here the visitors swarmed out over Drachten, Sneek, Assen and Roden. ,,There have even been visitors who have visited all locations'', says an enthusiastic Joost Krebbekx, program manager of Innovatiecluster Drachten. "In addition to our own staff, who have the opportunity to show family and friends their workplace on such a day, young families, students, potential new employees and business associates visited our open day."
At BD, the companies of the high-tech cluster presented themselves with a common market. Afterwards, visitors could tour the company to see the laboratory set-ups. With this, hospitals diagnose illnesses in 24 hours instead of the usual 5 days. In the parking lot, children in the FryskLab bus could experiment with technology themselves. In the bus next door showed Ventura Systems from Bolsward the bus door systems they make for bus companies all over the world. A little further down the industrial estate, Delta Instruments showed how you can measure the quality of cow's milk using colored light. And with Whisper Power showed how energy-efficient generators generate electricity to power motorhomes, trucks and luxury yachts. Presented 'across the road' at the roundabout YP Your Partner some high tech startup companies.
,,This year, for the first time, several locations in the north of the Netherlands opened,'' explains Krebbekx. The business cluster is growing and now has 16 high-tech companies spread across Fryslân, Groningen and Drenthe. Bee Resato International in Assen the open day was devoted to sustainable energy. TU Delft showed a racing car that runs on hydrogen. Krebbekx: "It not only attracted the attention of families, but also some interested business people were informed about the technology with which hydrogen as a 100 percent sustainable fuel is suitable for cars." VDH Products in Roden. They were allowed to make their own toy with a 3D pen. That turned out not to be as easy as it looks. Krebbekx: ,,In addition, a number of trainees have applied here and an open application has even been received."
best side
Opened for the first time in 80 years Kwant Controls opens its doors to the public in Sneek. A unique event, which many people came to see. During the tour it became clear why Kwant Controls is such a special company. At least half of all ships in the world have a control device from Sneek.
The high-tech companies did not say too much, because the tours really went through the production halls and laboratories of the companies. Krebbekx: ,,The visitors really came face-to-face with very high-quality technology. They've seen us from our best high-tech side''.