Binne Visser new chairman Innovatiecluster Drachten
News | September 3, 2018

He thinks we should sell ourselves a little better in the Northern Netherlands. Especially when it comes to the innovative technical manufacturing industry. Because, in addition to beautiful high-tech companies, we have now built up a unique ecosystem in which educational institutions, the business community and governments work together. This makes us attractive to young talent. Exactly the target group that our new chairman Binne Visser (1968) wants to reach. He follows Kor Visscher who retired in June. "The art is to be attractive in order to captivate young technical talent and ultimately bind it to us."
Raised at Philips in Drachten, where he is celebrating his silver anniversary this summer, he has experience in engineering, project management, supply chain management and R&D. The industry holds few secrets for him. That will become apparent when he is proclaimed Maintenance Manager of the Year† He has the ability to make maintenance of machines and production lines predictable. From collective to planned maintenance. ,,Solving a malfunction is good, but it is better to ensure that the malfunction never occurs again." That is why Visser looks at things from all sides and breaks old patterns with new ideas and working methods. “We collect a lot of data about our machines, but as humans we don't see half of the interactions between all the parts. If you make it visible, you can predict when your machine will need maintenance.” He knows how to empower maintenance technicians and learns to always think two steps ahead. ,,You never win by defending, so you have to look ahead. You do this with the knowledge that is available on the floor and by placing the responsibility where you can influence the process. Maintenance has added value and it is also an inspiring job.”
Smart Industry Hub
As brand new chairman, he highly values the possibilities of the business cluster. “What we do is unique in the Netherlands. Of course there are more partnerships and business clusters, but nowhere is so much knowledge, talent and administrative power combined to make an attractive industrial region." Smart Industry Hub to decorate. Field labs, regional and national sector and interest associations, regional and local development companies, knowledge institutions and strategic partners work together in these hubs. “With the intention of joining forces in the region so that the digitization of the economy, Industry 4.0, gains momentum. That is important for our future. Only when we work together does it get a face and we attract the best technicians. In the North there is everything and you can still live well there too!''
Binne Visser has been named Maintenance Manager of the Year 2017 in the Netherlands by the Dutch Association for Effective Maintenance (NVDO): Jury report: ,,The title went to Binne Visser due to his ability to predict maintenance within the Asset Management chain, the optimal positioning of Maintenance in the organization, his vision, work processes and results. These are widely carried out by the Employees, Managers and Staff within the organization. He is an example worldwide for colleague plants”.
Professional experience
- April 2011 – present: Director of Production Engineering & Maintenance, Philips Drachten
- October 2006 – April 2011: Senior Project Manager, Philips Drachten
- June 2003 – October 2006: Grouplead Engineering, Philips Drachten
- April 2002 – June 2003: Project Manager, Philips Drachten
- January 1999 – April 2002: Lead Engineer, Philips Drachten
- August 1991 – January 1999: Various positions at Philips Drachten Development
- Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, graduated with Honors 1987 – 1991, Technical High School (NHL), Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
- Technical Middle School with specialization in Electronics 1984 – 1987, (MTS), Drachten, the Netherlands
- Technical Primary School with specialization in electronics 1980 – 1984.
Binne Visser is married and lives in Hemrik in Friesland. His son (24) has just graduated from the University of Groningen in Technical Operations Management and his daughter (22) is studying medicine in Nijmegen.