Drenthe and Frisian girls get acquainted with high-tech
News | April 4, 2019

In Drachten, BD and Philips receive the girls with a special program of workshops and a factory tour. In Roden girls can go to Photonis and VDH Products and in Assen to Resato International.
Every year, our companies reach hundreds of girls who are interested in one way or another in a study or later a job in technology. ,,That's why we are joining the national Girlsday', says Joost Krebbekx, program manager of Innovatiecluster Drachten. Krebbekx also sees that a lot of female science and technical talent is lost because girls are unfamiliar with the professions and education. "A visit to one of our companies can help broaden girls' view of science, technology and ICT and influence their career choice." In addition, our companies are increasingly aware that gender diversity in the workplace leads to better results. “Companies notice that the involvement and willingness of female employees to commit themselves to the future generation is high. These are employees we are happy to welcome!”
About Girlsday
This year will be girls day organized for the 19th time. The kick-off meeting is in Rotterdam, where director-general Michèle Blom of Rijkswaterstaat and dijkgraaf Hetty Klavers open the event. By inviting girls to Girlsday, companies and technical departments of organizations explicitly let the girls know that they are very welcome in technology. Nationally, Girlsday reaches about 11 thousand girls at 366 technology and ICT companies. The origin of Girlsday lies in America, where the 'Take-Our-Daughters-To-Work-Day' has been organized since 1993. The purpose of this day is to show girls the value of a good education and future career opportunities.