First EDU robot crosses the provincial border to Drenthe and ends up in Hoogeveen
News | April 25, 2018

Our EDU robot has crossed the provincial border. At the invitation of high school RSG Wolfsbos, where there is a lot of attention for technical education, the EDU robot arrived in Hoogeveen on Tuesday 24 April. Two students from the school and two students from primary school Villa Kakelbont received EDU-Robot from Bas de Nooijer van Ventura Systems and project leader EDU robotics for our business cluster.
The students loved it, they asked interesting questions, went for a walk with the robot, did a high five and even a dance and stretches were no problem for the robot. "That is exactly the way in which we introduce young people to technology at the earliest possible age," explains Bas de Nooijer. That should also be possible in Drenthe, thought Petra Hummel, Technical Education Coordinator at RSG Wolfsbos. “Our school is very active with technology education and this robot fits in perfectly with that.” According to Petra Hummel, the aim is for students not only to develop skills in the field of technology and programming, but also to experience how you can work together and patiently put something together.
Learning line technique
Pupils from groups 7 and 8 of primary school are annually invited by RSG Wolfsbos to take technique lessons. Petra Hummel: ,,As soon as pupils from primary education move on to RSG Wolfsbos, the technique lessons can be continued. That is our continuous learning path from primary education to secondary education.
EDU Robotics
All more than 400 Frisian primary schools received an EDU robot last year. "To bring the choice for technology to the attention of primary school students, who often only come into contact with technology after they have already made a career choice in secondary school," says Bas de Nooijer. In Friesland, the successful project was concluded in February with a 'return day' for all robots in Leeuwarden. "There, 900 students from 125 primary schools gathered with their robot in De Harmonie theatre, to show each other what fun things you can do with the robot." The collaborating high-tech companies hope that schools and companies in Drenthe, in collaboration with the province of Drenthe, will continue this project. Bas de Nooijer: "So that soon all primary school students in the Northern Netherlands will have the opportunity to get acquainted with technology!"
Read more about EDU robotics in the Northern Netherlands
look at it item at RTV Drenthe
Read the article in the Hoogeveen Courant