First results of 3D printing and Big Data see daylight
News | December 16, 2016

On the basis of two presentations, a video and dozens of posters with explanations, 90 employees of our high-tech companies were presented with the first results of almost two years of working on projects for big data and 3D printing.
3D printing
Not only the purchase and commissioning of an industrial 3D metal printer is a resounding result of the 3D printing project. Under the project leadership of Philips, work has also been done on various new ways in which molds are made for the production of hypermodern plastic consumer electronics. The molds were shown during demonstrations of the 3D metal printer in our ICD-Shared Faciclity Center.
Big Data
Each company individually collects more and more data, but we are still getting too little out of it. That is why several partners try to give meaning to data in order to jointly develop practical applications for their customers. Collected data from various sources can be used to prevent failures or diseases before it is too late. For example, Delta Instruments showed a device that can predict, based on milk samples, whether a cow will develop abomasum twisting or ketosis (lingering milk fever). And YP Your Partner showed how you can give meaning to the big data of the UMC Groningen, twenty million measurements per quarter of an hour on the electricity network, so that the hospital can now see well in advance which of its many installations threatens to give up the ghost.
look at the video about big data.