Money injection for high tech innovation
News | 20 January 2017

These investments ensure, among other things, the expansion of research facilities, the promotion of technology and more employment. Deputy Sander de Rouwe sees the cooperation of companies as a way to make economic progress as a province. Innovatiecluster Drachten is according to him 'a city on the mountain'. “Together, the participants are able to bring top machines to Friesland. Otherwise it would not have been possible.” De Rouwe notes that entrepreneurs often find it difficult to work together. "Innovatiecluster Drachten is a good example that shows that cooperation is possible and that it pays."
Innovatiecluster Drachten, founded in 2012 by 6 companies in collaboration with the province and municipality, has now grown to 15 participating companies and is still growing. In addition to innovation, the business cluster focuses on close collaboration with educational and knowledge institutions. “We try to reach young people and get them interested in technology,” explains cluster chairman Kor Visscher. “We help training courses, for example, to better meet the demands of the business community.” Girslday is a good example in which technical companies and educational institutions open their doors together to introduce girls to technology, science and ICT. “And for higher education we organize the Inventor's Competition. This year for the fifth time, where HBO students from the Northern, Eastern and Central Netherlands compete with each other for the best technical invention.”