Great interest in ICD at PhD Day 2019
News | September 23, 2019

We informed the students with four companies: BD, Philips, Astron and XPARVision. And in a special workshop about the 'hidden high-tech diamonds', ICD program manager Joost Krebbekx explained what our business cluster can mean for the careers of the students.
Krebbekx: ,,There is a clear group of people who do not fit into academic life and who are looking for a job after completing their PhD. This year we spoke to 40 candidates. Last year we gained two new employees from PhD Day. One of these was on our booth this year, Italian Vera Carniello who now works at BD.” The companies found the PhD Day animated and attracted a lot of interest. Krebbekx: ,,But you never know exactly whether you will end up with someone''.
look at the retrospect on PhD Day 2019.