HORUS joins Northern Netherlands high-tech cluster
News | 30 August 2019

Horus view and explore develops hardware and software for mobile mapping for customers all over the world. With virtual reality, she makes it possible for sick children to go to their own school from the hospital bed. And she supplies so-called multisensor software, which is used in self-driving cars and in the robot industry.
Joining Innovatiecluster Drachten is a logical step for HORUS to develop further as a high-tech company. Both substantively by sharing knowledge and commercially. Founder and owner René Bolhuis does not believe that competitors exist. He tries to make people believe in what he believes in. ,,I only see colleagues, partners and customers. Why compete when you can collaborate? That is why joining Innovatiecluster Drachten is a logical step for me. Moreover, the cluster has wonderful companies from which we can learn a lot to make our products even better.”
According to Binne Visser, chairman of Innovatiecluster Drachten, HORUS is such a company that quietly and in the background does valuable things. “Nobody knows them, but they go all over the world. And what they do, they are unique in that. They link the latest technology to the smartest software, which they also develop themselves. And the best part is that with their technology they offer solutions for social issues. For example, their healthtech makes it possible for sick children to go to school from the hospital bed. Reason enough to further strengthen our business cluster with HORUS.”
Kristel Rutgers, alderman of the municipality of Het Hogeland and herself from Bedum, speaks with pride about the development of the company. ,,I have seen HORUS grow from a one-man start-up to a high-tech company that is now active on the global market. The new accommodation at Business Park Boterdiep has certainly contributed to this. Moreover, in their building you can see a wonderful spin-off from other companies that create new employment opportunities for the higher educated young people in our municipality.”
Innovation region
Alderman Robert Bakker of the municipality of Smallingerland is pleased with the expansion of the business cluster outside of Fryslân. ,,With the arrival of HORUS, Innovatiecluster Drachten not only gains a wonderful company, but the number of affiliated high-tech companies outside Fryslân increases. That shows exactly what the business cluster stands for: innovative collaboration in and for the whole of the Northern Netherlands.”
Horus View and Explore is a software developer and systems integrator focused on video and sensor technology, geographic information systems, deep learning, virtual reality and live streaming. The company offers do-it-yourself recording systems and develops hardware-independent software platforms to capture and stream data. In addition, the company provides processing software to analyze and share the collected data.