ICD companies 'enablers' of Sustainable Development Goals
News | 20 Nov 2020
Sustainable Development Goals. ICD companies are often unconsciously 'enablers' of the sustainability goals. In a special knowledge circle, six speakers will explain the relationship between achieving SDGs in education, government and business.

Many high-tech companies in the Innovation Cluster make systems that bring improvements for Health (SDG 3) and Climate Action (SDG 13). That was what the 25 participants in the online symposium High-tech industry and sustainability goals heard on Friday afternoon, 13 November. Often the ICD companies are unknowingly 'enablers' of improvements on these topics. According to the speakers, this could be done even more consciously.
Joanna Root, Lean & Sustainability manager at Philips, told how the multinational is committed to almost all SDGs. After 'Healthy People, Sustainable Planet' and Lean, the manufacturer has embraced the SDGs as a philosophy. The result is an approach to the very heart of the organization. Even biodiversity is not forgotten on the site in Drachten.
Circular Blue Valley
Jacqueline Hofstede, from Ynova showed some concrete initiatives. From 'Spark Ketone', a two-day brainstorming session last summer, a concept has been developed for where living and working come together on business parks. There is potential in various places in Fryslân to convert SDG ideas into so-called Circular Blue Valley sites. The first result is there, at household waste processor Omrin. It has turned its Ecopark De Wierde site in Oudehaske into a Circular Blue Valley.
New coat
Jantie van der Laan, Sustainability program manager at the municipality of Smallingerland outlined the process in which policy must be converted into deeds and concrete actions. Her municipality has now linked a large number of policy areas to primary SDGs and secondary SDGs. People and Planet in a new jacket, but then easily feasible.
Helentje Swart, program leader at Circular Friesland, talked about the 7 pillars of the Circular Economy Friesland community. According to her, a lot of thought is being given to tailor-made education as well. After all, the greatest innovation lies in people themselves, with new knowledge and skills. So that 'must, want and can' coincide and achieving the sustainability goals across the board will have more impact.
The continuation of this knowledge circle is planned – for the time being physically – on April 15, 2021. Read more about achieving SDGs via the following links: industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Partnerships to achieve the Goal.