ICD to participate in NWA Skills@Scale project
In the media | 14 July 2023
Innovatiecluster Drachten (ICD) proudly announces its participation in the prestigious NWA Skills@Scale project, which focuses on the development and use of skilled workers for sustainable employability. Several knowledge institutions, including Saxion University of Applied Sciences, University of Twente, Innovation Cluster Drachten and partners from business and the social sector are working together on this project. The project is funded by the National Research Agenda (NWA) and been granted almost 8 million euros in research funding.
The Skills@Scale research programme will run for eight years. About 40 researchers from different disciplines from nine knowledge institutions and more than 50 practice and policy partners from across the country are working together on this project, which focuses on continuous learning, innovation and exploitation of smart technology in industry. Their combined expertise in social sciences, HRM, education science, communication, psychology and technological knowledge creates an integrated approach to how humans and technology can go hand in hand. This is done by developing human-centred production systems and creating smart workplaces, jobs, career paths and partnerships.
ICD is proud to contribute to this, the project offers a unique opportunity to revalue craftsmanship and valorise practically trained employees in SMEs.”
Joost Krebbekx, program manager Innovatiecluster Drachten
“With this program we can realize a social breakthrough towards a people-oriented industry and revaluation of craftsmanship through a unique network of companies, knowledge institutions and social partners”
Program leader Stephan Corporaal (Saxion)
“80% of production workers are currently in a job where they don't feel challenged to learn. In this project, we finally have the great opportunity to develop smart learning solutions for the group that needs it most: practically trained employees in SMEs! “
Scientific leader Maaike Endedijk (UT)

from left to right the Smart Skills@Scale core team: Paul Preenen (Saxion, TNO), Beate van der Heijden (Nijmegen University), program leader Stephan Corporaal (Saxion), scientific leader Maaike Endedijk (UT), Tim van der Voord (Smart Makers Academy) , Jessie Koen (TNO, UvA).
The project will start later this year. If you want to stay informed, become a member of the LinkedIn group or visit the project website.
Overview of partners
Consortium: Saxion Hogeschool, TNO Leiden, University of Twente, University of Amsterdam, TNO, Radboud University Nijmegen, Maastricht University, HAN University of applied sciences, Hogeschool Windesheim, Vrije Universiteit, FME, Rimo, Morssinkhof, Scania, Aeronamic, Dumaco, Euromouldings, Waste Vision, NOLOC, Technohub Inclusive Technology, Metaalunie, SPDI: CNV, FNV, AWVN, A+O Matalektro, TechYourFuture, Center of Expertise, Sustainability Factory, Foundation Industrial Circle Twente (IKT), Smart Makers Academy, Brainport Industries, Innovatiecluster Drachten, Smarthub Achterhoek, United Manufacturing Industry East NL, Garden of Kairos, Smart Industry Foundation, Solution Safari, Perron038, Dutch Social Economic Counsel, Knowledge Bank Social Innovation, European Workplace Innovation Network, Sharehouse, , Fieldlab Industrial Robotics, Knowledge Alliance Inclusive Technology, Platform Talent for Technology, 8D games, BMS Lab, Distribute, Anchiano