ICD internships for Northern Dutch technical talents
News | November 5, 2018

Students from NHL-Stenden pitch for two graduation assignments at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Boston (America). The money for these Scholarships has been made available by FB Oranjewoud Foundation.
According to Joost Krebbekx, program manager at Innovatiecluster Drachten, internships and graduation assignments are the trendsetters of technology courses. “Students prefer to do internships at renowned high-tech companies. And those companies, in turn, like to receive the best students. We are organizing the Hightech Career Competition to bring our companies and technical talents from the Northern Netherlands together.”
Especially for adventurous students, two graduation assignments with scholarship are available at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Boston. Krebbekx arranged these assignments together with NHL-Stenden during a working visit to America last summer. "Partly thanks to a contribution from the FB Oranjewoud Foundation, we can provide a scholarship of 10,000 euros per student for this." During a special pitch round, the students can win one of these assignments. Krebbekx: ,,Via a live video connection with WPI in Boston, it is immediately announced afterwards which students will go on an internship to America next year.''
Speed applications
For the other internships, 'speed applications' take place in theater De Lawei in Drachten between the companies of Innovatiecluster Drachten and students of ROC Frisian Gate, Friesland College, Alpha College, Drenthe College, NHL-Stenden, Hanze University Groningen and the University of Groningen† Afterwards, they may go home with an internship contract or graduation assignment. Krebbekx: ,,To make it even more attractive for students, they can also have themselves 'tested' on their competences. The emphasis is on the so-called 21st century skills. This includes cooperation, communication, creative thinking, self-regulation, social and cultural skills and problem solving.” The test consists of a questionnaire and an interview. The students receive the results immediately.
,,We think it is important that students can continue to work on their career after their technical education in the Northern Netherlands,'' explains Krebbekx, the organization of this internship event. "We hope in this way not only to strengthen the relationship between our companies and technical training, but also to contribute to the retention of technical talents for the future of our region."
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