IndustryTOP Northern Netherlands on Smart Productivity
News | 15 May 2019

Higher productivity with smarter and more flexible production. What entrepreneur in the industry does not want that? There are still places available at the IndustrieTOP Northern Netherlands, on Wednesday 22 May in Leeuwarden. There, Henk Jan van der Pol (Bond High Performance 3D Technology) and Freddy van der Werff (Europrovyl) their experiences with Smart Productivity.
The industry summit is part of the national Dutch Technology Week and is organized by FME, VNO-NCW Noord and ING, in collaboration with Innovatiecluster Drachten.
Smart Productivity
Higher productivity leads to a competitive cost price and – combined with top quality – ultimately to a stronger national and international competitive position. In recent years, much attention has been paid to new revenue models, new production technology and the influx of well-qualified personnel. Each is indispensable to improve the continuity and performance of companies. Henk Jan van der Pol and Freddy van der Werff talk in a keynote about how they have made their company more productive.
master class
After the break, participants can follow a masterclass in which two companies from Innovatiecluster Drachten show the back of their tongue. Albert Jan Boonstra (ASTRON) shows in the Artificial Intelligence masterclass how the power of computers or machines can be used to increase productivity. And Ben Scholtanus (NeoPost) explains how production can increase if you use Digital Twinning to link physical objects to digital models. Other masterclasses are about culture and craftsmanship in the workplace and focus on lead time.
- 2 p.m. Walk-in and reception
- 14.30 Keynote lecture by Henk Jan van der Pol of Bond High Performance 3D Technology and Freddy van der Werff of Europrovyl
- 15.30 Masterclasses
- 4.45 pm Wrap-up
- 5:00 pm Guided tour
- 5.30 pm Drinks
- 6.30 pm End of meeting
More information and registration
For more information and to register, visit the FME's website.