'Innovatiecluster Drachten example of most successful collaboration'
News | December 12, 2018

For alderman Robert Bakker, this was a reason to reflect on the unique collaboration of the business cluster in Joure on Friday 7 December, during the festive accession of this high-tech company.
Of Comecer Netherlands the collaborating high-tech companies are bringing in a new industry branch. The high-tech company designs and produces products and software for the radiopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical markets. According to the alderman, this is a welcome addition that emphasizes the international character of the ICD. “As a municipality, we have been encouraging collaboration between companies, government and schools for years. In fact, ICD is our finest and most successful example of this. This cooperation is not only important for economic growth, it also ensures the visibility of our region in Europe."
'Coalition of the willing'
Comecer operates in a niche market. With 45 employees, the company achieved a turnover of 8.5 million euros in 2017. The emphasis in the Netherlands is on R&D, while in Italy more attention is paid to production and marketing. ,,We have more than 1000 systems installed worldwide in laboratories, hospitals and industry,'' explains managing director Domenico Sainato. ,,Technical innovation is going so fast and is much more challenging than before, that's why I'm happy to join the 'coalition of the willing' of Innovatiecluster Drachten."
For alderman Frans Veltman of the municipality of de Fryske Marren, the accession of Comecer is a special moment. “As an alderman, you sometimes come across companies in your own municipality that you should know but don't know. Comecer is such a company.” The alderman explains that his municipality mainly tries to tackle all kinds of issues locally. Innovation is such a subject. He and his municipality want to participate in a larger movement that stimulates the economy locally. ,,We have Innovatiecluster Drachten in the region, so why reinvent the wheel ourselves?''