Jeroen de Vries in the spotlight: indispensable link in the ICD administration!
News | 30 August 2024
In recent years, Jeroen de Vries has Variass fulfilled an important role for the Drachten Innovation Cluster and he was put in the spotlight for that!
Jeroen was the coordinator of the hours and association administration at the ICD.
Collecting the hours from the affiliated companies every month is not always easy. But the profession of “chasing” certainly suits him well. With the collected hour databases, Jeroen then provided the 6-weekly dashboards with management information. These went to both the ICD steering group and the R&D project leaders. Certainly with the now completed project '3D Print compass' this was quite a lot of work, with all the complexity surrounding ERDF projects.
With the transfer of the treasurership of Variass Unpleasant resato the transfer of the associated administration is now also a fact. Arjen Nijstad has now taken over these important tasks from Jeroen.
So once again Jeroen: thank you very much for your perfect contribution on behalf of all ICD companies. We hope that the gift card finds a good destination and that you can wear the ICD hoodie with pride!