Are you also coming to the North?
News | March 2, 2017

Colleagues from BD and YP Your Partner address hundreds of students on behalf of Innovatiecluster Drachten at the Bedrijvendagen Twente. They are informed every year on two days about the possibilities of internships, graduation places and, of course, attractive jobs in technology. No fewer than 150 companies present themselves. All the students have to do is respond to the best advances.
Career Opportunities
For us, that is of course a great story about career opportunities in the high-tech manufacturing industry in the Northern Netherlands. An unknown world for most students, except for a few Northerners who are studying in Twente. ,,That's why it's good to be at this fair'', says René Ferwerda of BD. Together with his English-speaking colleague, he addresses countless students to inform them about the high-tech companies of Innovatiecluster Drachten. In between, the students try out the Hololens, brought by YP Your Partner. ,,Many students are enthusiastic when they hear what we do. They immediately understand the career benefits of our collaboration.”
High Tech Safari
The high tech safaris, specially developed for students where they get acquainted with the Big 5 of the high tech, attract their special attention. Study association ETSV Scintilla immediately registers as an interested party. On Friday 3 March, the study associations will once again be made aware of our high-tech safaris during the evaluation of the Twente Business Days.
Star Wars
In exchange for contact information, the students had a chance to win a Star Wars robot BB8 Sphere. You operate it with your smartphone and take the first careful steps in augmented reality. At the end of the fair, the robot went home with Carin from Information Sciences.