Students pimp go-karts for go-kart race in March
News | November 3, 2014

March 18 next year a go-kart race with pimped go-karts will take place. This initiative aims to interest VMBO students in technology in a playful way and to bring them into contact with a (technical) company.
Municipality and companies adopt go-karts
The students pimp the go-karts in teams. Several large companies in the municipality of Smallingerland are participating in this initiative by adopting a go-kart and thereby sponsoring a team of students. Last Wednesday, the teams were linked to the companies in the technical building of ROC de Friese Poort in drachten. Alderman Ron van der Leck did this by drawing lots. The municipality has also adopted a go-kart. In addition, the municipality is making a garage space on the Tussendiepen available to work on the go-karts.
Teams getting started
In addition to tinkering with the go-kart, other skills are also required from the participating teams. For example, the teams have to make a design plan and present this plan with a film to the sponsor of the go-kart. A number of VMBO schools from surrounding municipalities are also participating.
TechNet circle Drachten
The 2014-2015 go-kart race is an initiative of TechNet circle Drachten, a partnership of schools, the municipality and (technical) companies.