Matchmaking mechanical engineering students with ICD companies
News | 28 Apr 2022
After a period of two years of digital matchmaking via a computer screen, it was a relief to meet the current generation of eleven Mechanical Engineering master's students in person.
The sound of the one-on-one conversations buzzed through the Alexander Horrowitz room at Philips in Drachten. The last meeting was two years ago, before corona started to determine our lives and physical meetings were not possible. The group of students was accompanied by Prof. dr. Bayu Jayajawardhana, Professor of Mechatronics and Nonlinear Control Engineering. The presence of eight ICD companies Dewulf, Philips, NTSNorma, Beenen, FMI, Resato, Stork and Photonis created a lot of dynamism in the afternoon and there was plenty of time for contact moments between the students and companies. As an extra activity to the program, Bas Letscher gave the participants a tour of the Philips factory, where they could see the highly robotic processes in practice. And during the closing drink, the beer went through the old-fashioned way quickly. Both students and representatives of the companies indicated afterwards that they found it an effective and enjoyable afternoon.

The Innovatiecluster Drachten and the University of Groningen (RuG) have been working together for two years to provide master students Smart Factories and Advanced Instrumentation with good design project assignments. Some also link their research assignment to this, so that the entire graduation is realized in consultation with a company.
In November, the first batch of eight students received their diplomas in Groningen. We are already looking forward to the cohort starting in September 2022!