Our doors will open on May 20th!
News | 11 May 2017

Have you always wanted to take a look behind the scenes of a real High Tech company? Then grab your chance now! No fewer than 7 of our companies open their doors and introduce you to the latest technology. BD, at 6 Marconilaan in Drachten, is the starting location of the high-tech discovery route. All the companies in our cluster present themselves there with fun activities. You are welcome here from 11 a.m.
The other companies that you can visit this day are:
- Delta Instruments, at Kelvinlaan 3 in Drachten.
- YP Your Partner, at Ampèrelaan 1 in Drachten.
- Whisper Power, at Kelvinlaan 82 in Drachten.
- VDH Products, at the Poductionweg 1 in Roden.
- Kwant Controls, at Voltastraat 3 in Sneek.
- resato, at Germanylaan 1 in Assen.
Eye in eye
Those who come will really get a look at the high-tech kitchen of the Northern Netherlands, because the guided tours take you through the production halls and laboratories of our companies. This day you will be face to face with very high technology.
Bee BD you will become acquainted with modern and innovative solutions for medical microbiology. WhisperPower shows a multitude of high-tech energy systems in addition to the solar boat that students took part in last year's Dutch Solar Challenge. Bee YP Your Partner you can experience 'augmented reality' and see the impact of 'big data'. Delta Instruments shows how you can tell by milk whether the cow is happy or not. Bee VDH Products you can do all kinds of measurements and experiments using sensors. Kwant Controls shows how to control a huge ship with one joystick. And with resato you see how the thickest metal is cut with water and how cars are refueled with hydrogen.
Download it below full program of our open day.