Opening talk third edition TEDxFryslân by high tech entrepreneur Gerrit Baarda now online
News | November 23, 2017
How did he make his dream come true? Making products that matter, say products with impact. Started 'above the garage' putting together software to categorize holiday photos and video tapes. Now, detectives in 52 countries use its intelligent software to detect child abuse and its 'pill scanning machine' saves lives by checking millions of drugs every day for accuracy. ,,My friends thought I was crazy, the development costs were six times higher than expected, our customers wanted to pay only half for our product than we had envisioned'', Baarda tells the audience. ,,But if you take all this into account beforehand, you will lose heart.'' His message: if you want something, just do it!
The entrepreneurial magazine of Fryslân, Ondernemend Friesland (OF), brings in its latest issue one nice report of the third edition of TEDxFryslân. As a partner of TEDxFryslân, the magazine contributes to stimulating innovations in SMEs in the province. A video of Baarda's talk has now been released by the TED organization approved in America and available online. With this Baarda has with his story Determined to make a difference received a special podium in the gallery of inspiring TED speakers.