Liudger school community opens innovation lab
News | February 12, 2019

Because you cannot come into contact with technology young enough, we are grasping the opening of the innovation center of CSG Liudger in Drachten with both hands. Why? To draw attention to technology among young people. That's why our chairman Binne Visser opened it on Tuesday 12 February Liudger Innovation Lab. This makes the school the first secondary school in the Northern Netherlands with its own innovation center.
Of course, the added value of the Innovation Lab is that students come into contact with technology at an early stage and experience how fun and challenging it is. Visser therefore considers it a plus for the school, in addition to the regular subjects. And, according to him, it fits into an ecosystem such as the Innovatiecluster Drachten envisions. “This innovation center should not be a 'one off' but an anchor in school education. For example, you can make combinations with companies, such as guest lectures and company visits. The link to business and practical applications makes such a center alive and very valuable for students. There are fun and challenging jobs at all levels and you can show this through an innovation center at school.”
Innovative education
The innovation lab is the place for students and teachers from all Liudger locations to work on innovative education using modern learning technology. It is also a place to share knowledge. Special education and ICT experts help the teachers with this. The center is not only there for employees and students, but also social organisations, companies and (educational) institutions from the region can make use of the space and the available inventory in the future, including a VR set, a recording studio, a VR backpack, an HP Sprout, and a Dell Canvas.
world of experience
School administrator Joop Vogel wants to use modern technology to make education better suited to the students. “We see it as our job to provide high-quality education to our students. That starts with good teaching and thus with the professionalism of teachers, but we want to use the possibilities of modern technology to align our education even better with the delivery world and the needs of our students.”