Smart factories lifeline for the Northern Netherlands
News | January 31, 2017

According to mayor Tjeerd van Bekkum of Smallingerland, that is fine. “Our Innovatiecluster Drachten, or better Innovation Cluster Northern Netherlands, shows that this is a workable concept. I think this is one of the lifelines of the Northern Netherlands.”
More than 200 guests witnessed the establishment of 'Field lab Region of Smart Factories† Under the direction of Hans Praat (NOM) and Siem Jansen (SNN), professors, provincial and municipal administrators, management boards of large companies and many SMEs will outline the opportunities of digitization for the industry. According to Bertholt Leeftink, director-general of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, this is necessary to preserve jobs and strengthen economic activity in the Northern Netherlands. "The biggest risk of digitization is not participating!"
Demo Square
In between the varied substantive program, companies present numerous concrete examples on a demonstration square. Students from the computer vision department of the NHL show their drones with super cameras and a young enthusiastic company Iturnit presents itself as the 'sower of technology' among students of primary schools. Of course the Innovatiecluster Drachten companies Variass and Ziuz show the pill scanner IRIS and Irmato shows how you can make the best quality contact lenses with high tech.
Top Dutch sugar bread
Frisian deputy Sander de Rouwe applauds the northern collaboration. He repeats once again that we have to get rid of the 'sugarloaf syndrome'. “Sugarbread never changes and does not cross the border. There is so much ambition, so much positive energy. Collaboration in the Northern Netherlands pays off!” Fellow director from Groningen Patrick Brouns emphasizes that the cooperation of companies in the Northern Netherlands is good for everyone. “We have a great potential workforce that is eager to get to work. This collaboration makes that possible, really Top Dutch†