Internship market Dutch Technology Week 2018: "Nothing is sold here, this is a real internship market"
News | June 9, 2018

After a 'kickstart' with an explanation of high-tech systems and the presentation of our companies, the students experience a tour of, among other things, the industrial 3D metal printer and the shaver factory of Philips Drachten. But the most important, the internship and job market, is their preference.
This is evident from the enthusiasm of the students when they have had the first conversations with the companies. Dylan van de Hanze University Groningen quickly has a good impression of the possibilities. ,,I thought, these will be sales pitches, but it is really about technology and the conversations are substantive.” The concept of several companies presenting themselves together is, according to him, exactly what attracts students.
That's what André and Erik Jan think ROC Frisian Gate in Drachten too. André is looking for a mechatronics internship for 10 weeks, he is in his second year. ,,This market is ideal, because we immediately have a good overview of the possibilities.'' For Erik Jan, VDH, Resato and Whipser Power are well-known companies. ,,I only knew Ziuz by name. Now that I know what they do, that really appeals to me.” Both want to continue their studies at higher professional education after their training. "Hopefully there will be an internship abroad, as we heard during the presentation."
'Hidden' companies
Mirjam is studying applied mathematics NHL Stenden in the study 'computer vision and data science'. She is specifically looking for an internship in the field of 'deep learning'. She feels she has come to the right place on the internship market, because she cannot find many internship opportunities via the internet. ,,The companies that appeal to me are a bit hidden in the Northern Netherlands. And because I want to stay in the north, this is a great opportunity to compare internships and talk to companies.” She has now discovered four 'hidden' companies. ,,I would like to discuss further with ZiuZ, ASTRON, S&T and YP Your Partner. Hopefully I can graduate at one of these companies.”
High-tech campus
Her college friend Bernardo lacks a real high-tech campus in the North. “For me, artificial intelligence can live a lot more in the north of the Netherlands, just like in the Eindhoven region. We went there last week. Also interesting, but there it was mainly sales pitches from companies touting their software. It's nice that nothing is sold here, but that it is a real internship market."
Dutch Technology Week
This year, the collaborating high-tech companies will hold an internship and job fair for the first time. Program manager Joost Krebbekx, (Innovatiecluster Drachten) is pleased with the attention. “We do everything we can to be attractive to students. This internship job fair during the national Dutch Technology Week seems like a bull's eye.” A second edition of this mark will be held this fall. "We will also present some TOP internships there that we will arrange next week in Boston (USA) at Harvard and MIT, among others."