Start of the ICD System Architects working group
News | May 28, 2024
System architects are often the key to the development of a new high-tech system. They oversee the entire system with all the partial solutions involved. All puzzles are therefore placed on the board of these officials. Not only technically, but also in combination with business and organizational aspects.
There are famous system architects such as Martin van de Brink of ASM-L and Rudy den Hartog of the former Fokker 100. Both are well known in their field and of phenomenal value to the technical and therefore also business successes of those companies.

Many system architects are also active at the ICD and you don't just become one. That is often a long way with a master-apprentice construction. That is why it was great that this working group started on May 24th with 18 colleagues, both experienced and novice colleagues.
Ruben Sluiman van Ziuz started with the “learning experiences” gained in the development of their new system ApolloZ. The group will meet three more times this year.