Technique Tangible Sneek
News | 20 May 2022
Technology never stands still and is always evolving. Technology is more important than ever and essential in many sectors. This requires many (young) enthusiastic professionals. We would like to show and experience what is possible with technology in today's society. For these reasons, the Techniek Tactbaar event is being organized.
Techniek Tastbaar is an experience and hands-on event for young people aged 10 to 16 and parents are also very welcome. The event is organized by secondary and secondary education in collaboration with companies. The ICD also likes to actively participate in this.
About 1200 children visited Techniek Tastbaar in Sneek, which was well represented with various ICD companies, such as Kwant Controls, Stork, De Wulf, Ventura and Comecer. Each company offered at least one DIY activity with the aim of bringing young people into contact with as many facets of technical professions as possible.
For example, at the Kwant Controls stand, the youth could sail a ship on the simulator using the controls of Kwant Controls. This was received very enthusiastically. Very cool!
They were also allowed to try it in practice and work with the technology: when they had correctly connected the wiring of the control unit, a circuit was converted so that the trade went into operation and then a roll of peppermint rolled down.
Stork Turbo Blade