Teenage girls experience high tech in Drachten
News | April 8, 2016

More than 350 girls from schools in Drachten and the surrounding area will experience the high tech of Drachten on Thursday 14 April during Girls Day. They will experience that it is fun and challenging to work with technology and ICT. Philips, BD and Whisper Power, three Innovatiecluster Drachten companies, will open their doors that day with a special 'girl program'.
Girlsday is a national campaign to introduce girls aged 10 to 15 to technology and ICT. The girls can participate in interesting activities especially organized for them and are introduced to the STEM activities in daily professional practice. No fewer than 17 companies are participating in Fryslân, including the high-tech companies Philips Drachten, BD and Whisper Power. More than 350 students of the 25 participating schools in the province will be introduced to the high-tech companies in Drachten.
retain talent
A lot of female STEM talent is lost because girls often have no idea what a technical profession entails. By participating in Girlsday, the companies of Innovatiecluster Drachten help broaden the view of these girls on technology and influence their career choices. Known makes loved, so girls are more likely to opt for science, technology or ICT if they have become acquainted with them.
At the locations of Philips Drachten, BD and WhisperPower there are two programs from 08.45 to 12.00 and from 12.45 to 16.00.
Philips Drachten
The participants are given assignments related to beauty and body care. Where are the flaws in the shaver and who shaves a goat mat best? In the hair dryer relay, the girls can show other hidden talents. Just like in the assignments how to use a vacuum cleaner as a cannon and the magic of 3D. With Sonicare, the girls learn how energy is generated and what you can do with it.
The girls experience the Star Light Experience of high-tech company Photonis, where they look with night vision goggles. BD lets the girls experience how petri dishes and high tech go together to save lives.
High-tech company Variass invites the girls to make something with sun, wind and water with Little Bits, blocks with elementary electronic functions. And Resato International shows how you can operate a waterjet cutter with 3D glasses and virtual reality.
Facebook photo contest
In addition to these activities and workshops, the girls can participate in a Facebook photo contest. We invite the participants to take photos during the workshops that they can then post on the Girlsday Facebook page. A number of winning photos will be selected from these photos, which will of course be shared on the Girlsday and Innovatiecluster Drachten Facebook pages. The winners will receive a nice present.