3D printing training for innovation technicians
News | 31 Oct 2016

Specially presented for work planners, constructors, project managers, technologists and engineers of our high-tech companies Tobias Klimkait (Aconity3D GmbH) on behalf of training institute Microcentre from Eindhoven the training Additive Manufacturing and Design for Additive Manufacturing. Klimkait introduced the technicians to all 3D printing technologies and how to create designs that cannot be made with conventional technology. All aspects of design, costs, influence factors up to and including types of 3D printing, post-processing and polymers and metals were covered in the training.
This state-of-the-art training was given on-site in the new Shared Facility Center of Innovatiecluster Drachten on the Philips site in Drachten. The largest industrial 3D metal printer in the Northern Netherlands is located there, with which the companies in the high-tech cluster gain experience. The training week is concluded with a visit to the German Fraunhofer Institute in Aachen.