House of Representatives receives a briefing about Smart Industry
News | 11 Jun 2014

On Thursday 5 June, the permanent committee for Economic Affairs of the House of Representatives was further informed about Smart Industry. FME Policy Director Peter Bongaerts explained the urgency, impact and breadth of the findings of this report.
There was a lot of interest in this in-depth meeting, among others from Jan Vos and Tanja Jadnanasing from the PvdA, Agnes Mulder from the CDA, Michiel van Veen from the VVD and Sharon Gesthuizen from SP.
The following topics were discussed during the Smart Industry meeting:
- Explanation of urgency, impact and breadth of the findings – Peter Bongaerts (director of FME Policy)
- Substantive interpretation of the developments – Arnold Stokking (TNO)
- Case ”The first steps towards the smart factory” – Rob Karsmakers (Philips Drachten)
- Case ”Smartdiaryfarming.nl” – Serge Loosveld (Lely Industries)
It Smart Industry report was already presented in April 2014 by FME President Ineke Dezentjé Hamming to Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Johanna Wanka, the German Minister of Education and Science.
read here the entire article.
Source: Engineersonline