Variass demonstrates during Hannover Messe
News | 27 March 2017

For the fourth time, the Fieldlab Region of Smart Factory (RoSF) will present itself during the Hannover Messe, the largest technology fair in the world, which will be held this year from April 24 to 28.
Smart Factory Tour
On Tuesday 25 April a bus will drive from the north of the Netherlands for a special Smart Factory Tour which is intended for Northern companies that want to actively get started with the Smart Factory concept. The organization focuses on companies that produce themselves or engage suppliers for this purpose, companies that develop products for themselves or for others, OEM companies and suppliers and companies that provide technology (products, knowledge, services) to production companies, also from IT and online/ creative sector.
The same day, Variass will hold a demonstration in Hall 2 at booth C12 of the technology fair. RoSF is part of a joint presentation of the Northern High Tech Sector as part of the Holland High Tech House.