Variass provides seminar at Astron and IBM Center
News | November 7, 2016

On November 17, 2016, Variass will host a seminar on the testing of analog and digital systems. Here, particular attention will be drawn to how to make the right test choices at an early stage by means of the Design for Testability (DfT) tools designed by Variass.
What does it take to test digital systems? What can be tested? How do you prepare test programs and what are the limitations of these tests? During this seminar answers to these and more questions will be given through practical tests. Examples of tests that will be done are: X-ray tests, optical inspection and flying probe/needle tests. After the hands-on demonstrations, some test set-ups are discussed in more detail.
This interactive seminar is practical in design and the participants will be actively involved. The presentations and demonstrations are provided by engineers from Variass, Batenburg, Transfer, JTAG Technologies, IBM, and ASTRON.
This seminar has a open registration.