Women in technology: part 1 Ciska Kool (Variass)
News | January 31, 2019
Ciska Kool is a solderer at Variass and explains why she works in technology. She works closely with cobots, robotic arms that perform precision work on the same item alongside their 'human' colleagues. “No day is the same. I can be used anywhere.”
Women and technology
While working with technology is self-evident for men, this is certainly not the case for women and girls. That's a shame, because the female colleagues in our companies have the time of their lives there. That technique is the same as making dirty hands has long since ceased to be the case. And more and more women are discovering that. In a new series of stories and short videos we present 'our' female colleagues. They tell why they chose a job in technology and why many more girls and women should do it.