EDU robotics challenge winners go to Philips Drachten
News | December 8, 2017

The location is still a surprise, as is the 'mystery guest', but according to project leader Bas de Nooijer, it promises to be a great event. “Representatives of the students from all Frisian primary schools are very welcome, provided they bring their own assembled EDU robot. We have a special program in which robots play the leading role. Robots in all shapes and sizes, which can be admired live.”
Vlog Challenge
All schools have been challenged by the business cluster to make a vlog with their own robot. ,,This can be about assembling the robot, but also about what the students teach their technical friend'', explains De Nooijer. ,,A meeting between Sinterklaas and EDU robot is of course also a nice vlog item. Or how students practice the table of 10 together with the robot." All vlogs are collected on the Facebook page of EDU robotics. ,,And we will choose a top 5 from all entries. We will announce three winners during the event. They all get an extra robot buddy for the classroom. The winning class gets an exclusive tour at Phillips in Drachten. There the students can see real industrial robots at work!"
Challenge extended
Schools can participate in the challenge by submitting their vlog before January 31. De Nooijer: ,,We have already received many great films, but given the success, we actually want many more. That is why we have extended the EDU robotics challenge until January 31. In this way, the schools that received the kit of their robot a little later also get the chance to participate''. For the complete program of the event and the exact location, keep an eye on the Facebook page and website of EDU-robotics, but make a note in the agenda: 21 February 2018 from 9.00 am. Schools can register for participation via the EDU-robotics website