Hightech PubQuiz winners

News | September 10, 2021

In the past academic year, our Big Five High-tech Safaris took place digitally. An interactive and educational way for students to get to know our high-tech companies in the North in terms of career opportunities.

Students from various student associations from all over the country had registered. Astatine and Daedalus from Twente, Scopus from Groningen, Christiaan Huygens from Delft and Atlantis from The Hague actively participated. Due to Covid, the Safaris could not yet take place physically but we have designed it in a digital way. To make it interactive and educational, a high-tech pub quiz was linked after the lectures with serious questions and of course a few trick questions. It turned out to be a real challenge with the winners getting a ticket to the ICD E-Karting event!

The winners are: 

  • Stijn Groen of study association Scopus, or 'DJ Stijn', with his extensive knowledge of facts and information. 
  • Erwin Dam of study association Christiaan Huygens, a professor in the making. 
  • Stephan Kroon of study association Daedalus, likes to party and knows how to perform when necessary. 
  • Alexander De Ranitz of study association Atlantis. He is participating in the RoboCup this year. (Roboteamtwente.nl).

A few days ago, the men drove for the fastest time at the E-kart race in Apeldoorn.

Congratulations on this win! We look back on a very successful race day and would love to see you again at one of our high-tech companies in the always beautiful Northern Netherlands.

icdrachten.nl/en/job-search | partofthesmart.nl

Watch the video of the ICD experience E-karting: