(Graduation) internship – Computer Science
Vacancy by YP Your Partner

IT Innovation
Who are we looking for? An HBO/WO topper who is interested in developing a data logger and connecting technical installations to the cloud.
True? YP Your Partner, Ampèrelaan 1 in Drachten
Job description
YP Your Partner is looking for a graduate for the Engineering department in the position of IoT Developer. During your internship you will develop universal software for controlling processes. Think of water purification, such as at the Oceanium in Blijdorp Zoo or the heating of greenhouses for the cultivation of bromeliads using landfill gas. You are also working on a solution to unlock the process information via the cloud. You develop in C# and use industrial controls and the RaspberryPi.
YP Your Partner has been active in the world of information and control technology for more than 30 years.
YP Your Partner's product is CARS (Complete Automation and Reliabilty Suite). CARS monitors, manages and operates installations remotely. This is both app and web based.
YP Your Partner is a member of the Innovatiecluster Drachten. Within this cluster, there is close collaboration with all High Tech companies in the Northern Netherlands, both in the field of technical knowledge exchange, but certainly also in human capital. Your job at YP Your Partner can therefore be the starting point for a wonderful career within the cluster.
More information?
View on www.yp-yourpartner.nl mail to info@yp-yourpartner.nl or call 0512 – 589 842.
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