Innovatiecluster Drachten is a partnership of high-quality technical and innovative companies in the Northern Netherlands. Our companies are not physically located together. We do work together on projects, we give presentations and we organize activities with companies and students. We do this in the Shared Knowledge Innovation Learning Lab, or SKILL.
Location: Oliemolenstraat 5, 9203 ZN Drachten (Philips site – pre-registration is required).

You can send questions and comments to the board of the Association Innovatiecluster Drachten or the project manager via the contact form on this page. You can also send an email to info@icdrachten.nl or fill it form to stay informed about our internships, vacancies and high tech information: icdrachten.nl/icd-high-tech-careers/
The Innovatiecluster Drachten email address is not intended to be used to contact Philips for spare parts ordering. Messages of this nature will not be forwarded. For questions about spare parts for Philips products, visit the service page.
Administrative data
Chamber of Commerce: 63089742
IBAN: NL05 RABO 0302979077
VAT: NL 8550.87.481.B01
Postal and Billing Address
ICD, by address: Duitslandlaan 1, 9403 DL Assen
Hereby the urgent request to send the invoices by e-mail to:
invoicesicd@datsincontrol.nl to Arjen Nijstad, controlling ICD