Knowledge Circle Paperless Production about trends Industry 4.0

News | November 5, 2020

The Paperless Production knowledge circle about trends in Industry 4.0 was a success. At the beginning of November, no fewer than 35 technicians from both indoor and outdoor Innovatiecluster Drachten took part.  

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Four speakers from Fraunhofer IPT, the German institute for production technology, told about the latest trends in the smart industry at the beginning of November. They did this on the basis of a few striking examples. Firstly, adaptive production. Second, analytics in production. The third Digital Twin and the last subscription models. The speakers were Beiyan Zhou (Senior Project Manager Digitalization), Angela Massonet (Senior Project Manager Digital Twin), Karl Lossie (Manager International Center for Networked Adaptive Production) and Dennis Grunert (Head of Smart Production Production Quality & Metrology). They were able to clearly highlight the benefits, opportunities and challenges.

Paperless Production

The ICD companies Quadient, Variass, Ventura Systems, NTS Norma and Photonis have worked together for two years on solutions for paperless production. This goes beyond instructions for operating machines on iPads. For example, this requires an innovative IT infrastructure that, linked to the production process, can respond to the latest needs of consumers. The results of the Paperless Production Knowledge Circle and the Industry 4.0 trends will be presented during the ICD Learning Day on 3 December. 

New business

According to Fraunhofer, analytics in production and Digital Twins enable new business models. For this it is necessary to transform current production processes. For example with a process of 'unfreezing', 'changing' and 'refreezing'. The result is that with such a process you can prepare your company for the future.

More information 

For more information about the Knowledge Circle, download Fraunhofer's presentation.

Download presentation ICD Knowledge Circle Paperless Production